
Version 6.4.323

A summary of the changes in version 6.4.323

Release Notes - MembershipSystem: 6.4.323

9115: Email attachments - ensure files have file type suffix

When uploading an attachment to an email, it now ensures the file has a file suffix (e.g. .doc) to ensure the correct program is launched when viewing from the website.

10869: Skin previewer

You can now preview any page in any skin and masterpage template by appending the page url with the following querystring parameters:


The template must reside withing the current context skin (i.e. page skin if not overridden, the preview skin if specified)

The querystring parameters are not persisted when navigating through the site, you will need to append them to every page you visit.

10883: Split LoginControl into two

The login control has now been split into two controls

MSL:Login - contains login boxes
MSL:UserControlPanel - contains list of links to areas of site, logout button

10988: Page tree

When editing pages on the website via the page tree, options to create child pages, rename and delete the page are directly available

6894: Editing event causes error

Editing an event after changing the filter dates now works as expected.

7091: Friends pending error

Reviewing friend requests error when changing number of records to view now fixed

10734: Double clicking groups in administration app tree

Fixed a bug that occurs when double clicking an item in the list view.

10887: HTML cleaner sends error message if failing

Invalid html (e.g. unclosed quotes for a tag attribute) in web pages will now insert an html comment into the start of the html to say invalid html is present.

NB: Not related to W3C markup validity , simply flags malformed html

10926: Page Addition Bug

Code that cleans the page name when adding a page now properly allows dashes into the page name

10950: Error adding new employers

New job employers can now have names with apostrophes in them


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We treat our clients like they're part of the family -- when we say you’ll have our full attention, we mean it.