Keeping track of Development
Full details of our latest release can be found here. Highlights include four new reports and some changes to how people with the correct permissions can reach their admin areas. Please make sure you subscribe to the RSS feed of development and support updates so you can see in detail the improvements to the system before it goes live as well as any updates to the online Support content.
What we are working on now
The next release will include some major developments to our message centre:
• On nominated organisations you will be able to delay sending of emails so they can be sent overnight (for SU's whose institutions don't like them sending all member emails in the day).
• We are building an html email builder to make it much easier to send html emails for people without web design skills.
We have also built a facility for you to send messages to lists of email addresses imported from an Excel or text file. This lets you send emails to people who aren't registered on your system. This will need to be added individually to each site and will involve a charge so if you think you would use this please call us to discuss.
We are currently building a touch screen voting application that will allow students to swipe their university cards then vote on a touch screen to improve ballot stations. On the topic of elections we have also built a mobile voting site for Essex SU. If you are interested in either let us know.
Widget Watch
We have written an updated guide to all the MSL widgets. We are adding direct links to the support area from every widget in your site which should help Clubs and Societies. We are also improving the way that widgets are edited and how each widget admin area is displayed.
Support Site is having a makeover. We have already added a blog for hints and tips and can now add personalised news for our clients. As an example of this, please read our latest blog post.
The next stage is a reworking of the support documentation area to cover new features and functionality, include more how-to guides and add areas for our clients to add comments and contributions. If you have any members of staff who are not registered on the site please let us know their email address and we will send them a registration.