Membership Solutions Ltd

MSL Newsletter - May 2011

Spring development updates, MSL events module focus group, memberships admin training and more.

Membership Solutions Ltd
The MSL May 2011 Newsletter
News and features
Spring Updates
Updates Next Week
Keep in touch with our developments
Things we like
Coming up
Training course on Membership Admin running on 25th May at Warwick SU.
Events and Ticketing Focus Group.

Spring Updates

There have been a lot of new features over the last two months so we have listed the majority here.

A Job Listings report is now available from the Jobs Admin page which shows you the number of new, existing and delisted vacancies per employer per month, for the selected employers.

On the report server you can now find the Import Log report showing you information about the University data - number of records imported etc.

Shop sales report now shows breakdown by payment method.

Election/Referendum Voting Profile report now lets you select from a dropdown list rather than having to enter the election ID number.

There is now the option to re-use text on an email your organisation has sent allowing you to check or resend your emails to a new set of recipients.

We have added a very snazzy new email template builder which we will be contacting you about separately as soon as the support documentation is finished.

The Seating Plan can now be used with transaction numbers meaning you do not have to issue paper tickets to use this feature. For more information about this please contact us as we are currently rewriting the Events support documentation.

You can now specify customisations to apply once per item no matter how many are bought.

Payment types are no longer limited to cash / cheque / credit card - you can specify as many as you like (e.g. club and society transfer, voucher etc)

The photo widget now gives you the option to display a list of photos rather than just the gallery cover.

A new Voter Popup widget which allows you to display different messages to your logged users depending on whether they have started / completed voting (or not) in a specified election.

We have added a tag cloud widget that works with news tags. In the future we will expand this to news and events.

Memberships Admin
When you copy a group you can now specify where that group will be created and copy all its explicitly defined permissions.

The Polling Station application can now be used for referenda as well as elections.


And being released next week:

Surveys can now be set as anonymous, there is an option to allow you to add in paper responses and we added to the question types available. We have also included links to the survey reports from the survey admin area and a CSS class to questions so it easier to style your surveys. Most importantly surveys have now been widgetized allowing you to add them to any page.

The referenda admin area has been rewritten to make it more intuitive, including allowing admins to directly edit the for and against motions without having to add themselves to the respective groups. The referenda widget now lets you hide links to the case for and against if you do not wish to use the system pages. In addition, both the election and referenda list widgets now have the 'include child organisations' option to bring them into line with the others.




You can view everything that has been released, is ready for release or is being worked on including future development this year at




Memberships Admin
25th May, 1-4pm, £50 per person
The building block of the MSL system. We’ve made a lot of changes and improvements over the last year so this session will take you from the very basics right through to some more advanced techniques for this application, including the latest improvements to the University data import. Particularly useful if you have not yet got your head around how to make the most of Version 7 of the MSL software.

Events Focus Group
3rd June, Lunchtime, £20 per person
Throughout June we will be adding improvements to the Events Management part of the MSL system. Come to this session to input into our development ideas and meet other users of the MSL Venue Management and Ticketing module.

We will be emailing you with more details regarding both these sessions later this week.

Top blog and forum

Personalising your site, loyalty through birthdays, Freshers comparisons from 2009 to 2010 and 20 ways to improve voter turnout can all be found at

Shakira has a question about Sage integration - can anyone help?.


Things we like made by us:
Did you catch any of the live streaming?
Nice clean design with the sitemap in an expandable footer.

Things we like made by you:
James at Warwick has had a tidy up of their site. Also check out their 1920s themed Graduation Ball minisite.
For those of you who haven't seen it, this is worth a look to see how an organisation site can fit into the main SU website but retain its identity.


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Membership Solutions Ltd.
Union North Building
University of Warwick
Gibbet Hill Road

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