Welcome to our newest clients Manchester Metropolitan SU and AMSU
We are thrilled that two such prestigious organisations have recently chosen the MSL system. So we sincerely thank Matt and the team at Manchester Met. (www.mmunion.co.uk) and SJ and the team at AMSU (www.amsu.net) for choosing MSL, and we look forward to supporting them in their drive to engage more fully with their respective members.
Impressive levels of member engagement
The number of messages sent via the MSL message centre is now exceeding 750,000 per month and continues to grow fast. This impressive statistic just goes to show how you can facilitate communication and engage better with your members if you provide the right tools. Of course, not all SU's have the same student population so if anyone is interested to know the details and trends for their own Union per student population (a much better way of gauging system use) please don't hesitate to contact us at helpdesk@ukmsl.com
Jobs module updated
The MSL job listings module allows you to list job vacancies in your organisation or on behalf of other clients. Job seekers can use your website to search for suitable vacancies and subscribe to an RSS feed of all current vacancies.
This update is mainly based around making the administration of vacancies much easier to carry out. In addition, the way that 'employer admins' are set up has been refined so that system-wide job admins do not need to be admin members of every employer organisation.
Only a few of you are currently using the jobs module and we hope this update will lead to an increase in use. Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like the Jobs module enabled on your site.
Need to find out in a hurry what your members think on an issue – polls feature upgraded
Polls are a quick and simple way of getting feedback and aiding your strategic decision making, placing your members at the heart of your strategy and demonstrating a transparent decision-making process.
The MSL poll system has recently been enhanced and now allows you to put as many poll widgets as you like on your pages. Poll questions and responses can now also be displayed to non-logged in members encouraging them to log in and vote, thereby increasing inclusiveness. One client recently used this feature to let their members pick the name of their latest outlet and had over 1400 votes!
Poll widgets are also available at the organisation page level, allowing your clubs, societies and other organisations to have this level of membership involvement.
New admin features added to blogs
With the popularity of Twitter, blogs seem to be having a resurgence. We have enhanced the blogs module so that your administrators can have full moderation and editing control. This allows as many of your members as you like to blog on your site increasing user generated content and member interaction.
Blog content is also available via RSS allowing it to spread across your site and the internet. In addition, bloggers can choose to automatically display their recent posts in their profile.
Adverts Admin has had a spring clean
The Advert Admin area has been re-written making it much easier to manage your adverts. We have added accurate reports from within your website for views and clicks on each advert and advertiser.
Adverts can be set up for internal as well as external clients allowing you to effectively monitor publicity campaigns across your site for your different departments. This ease of tracking will allow you to demonstrate the benefits of online advertising to your clients.
We have also added features for you to easily filter your advert lists and suspend an advert with one click. We are currently updating all of our admin pages to follow this same style so if you have any comments please let us know.
Odds and sods
There have been many other enhancements and fixes in the last two months, including combining news lists, two new widgets for organisations and a simpler 'forgotten password' procedure.
To see the complete list of changes, take a look at the development news at http://www.ukmsl.com/dev/news/. You can also subscribe to the development RSS feed at http://www.ukmsl.com/dev/rss/ to stay updated.
Customer day
This year’s MSL Customer Day will be on the 6th May and will be held at LOUGHBOROUGH Students' Union. We are anticipating two to four people per client, but if you would like more to attend please let us know in advance. More details will follow in mid April.
MSL’s holiday dates
The MSL team will be off hunting for Easter eggs from Thursday 9th April for a week and we’ll be back to work with business as usual from 9am Thursday 16th April. May we also take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Easter and we sincerely hope you enjoy your break.
