System Developments
Here's a few things we've been making...these updates are imminent.
Organisation Member Counts Report
Finally, a report that shows you the number of members per organisation over time. You can filter by organisation type and category and choose which types and categories of membership group to include. You then select a reference date and the years you're interested in comparing, and you get a breakdown to the membership group level for each year you've selected. You also see the totals per organisation type and category, and there's even a trend line so you can quickly see what's happening.
Member Comparison Reports
Two new reports let you pick a target group and list the number of members who are also members of a set of organisations that you can specify by type and/or category, for a selected set of years. For example, find out the proportion of all Economics students who are/were members of the Economics society over time. The 'including details' version includes the members' email address and student ID number, but at a point in time rather than over several years.
EPOS Front-facing Display
The Point of Sale application can now make use of OPOS-compatible customer facing displays on dedicated EPOS hardware. This requires a bit of setting up so please get in touch if you're interested.
Deleting Finance Codes
You can now delete a finance code even if currently in use (ie. attached to one or more products). If this is the case, it won't be permanently removed, but will not appear in the event ticket page search box or on the finance codes list on the Admin Website.
Non-logged in Survey Responses
Surveys can now be configured to allow responses from non-logged-in users.
Manifesto Editing During Polling
Manifesto deadlines can now be set to any time until the end of the last polling period, allowing candidates to edit their manifestos any time (quite useful if you want to allow blog-like manifestos).
Subscription to Web Stats Server
If you are interested in having access to more information about your site's bandwidth usage, browser stats, page impressions etc., please get in touch, as we're offering access to such data for just £40 per year.
Training - Website Admin
Who is it aimed at?
Users who already use and understand HTML, CSS and Javascript, and who would like more guidance about how the MSL System can be used to create excellent templates and content, and users who would like some insight into the back-end of the website and tips about managing your templates and pages, even if you are not a web designer.
We're planning to cover:
- organisation pages
- skins and templates
- event templates
- mini-sites (Freshers, Summer Ball etc.)
- widgets / template controls (showcasing some of the newer and lesser-used widgets that only a few of our clients are really using to their full potential)
- showcase of things we like, best practice, tips and tricks - ideally attendees will share ideas here too
The first half of the session is targeted at users who know how to build websites but would like to understand fully the relationship between pages and the membership tree, and the relationships between site templates, organisation templates and event templates. The operation of system generated pages will also be covered.
The second half will be beneficial for everyone as it will cover powerful functionality of under-used widgets.
When and where?
- Date: Monday 18th June
- Time: 10:00-15:30
- Location: MSL’s Offices (CV4 7AL)
- Cost: just £50 per attendee (including lunch)
How do I sign up?
Just email MSL Support requesting a place.
Some important changes in the law are relevant to your site. Please click here for our guidance, and bear in mind that the ICO provides detailed help in this area.
Design Services
Don't forget that our designers are always happy to take a look at a project you're working on and help you out. For example, we recently built the NUS National Conference site and Kent's Employability toolkit:

Perhaps you're looking to get your Freshers Site up and running or you need help with designing your Summer Ball pages? Drop us an email and we'll happily talk to you about your project and see what we can do.
Support Reminder
Just a reminder to please always email in to our support address ( even if you're planning to give us a call - it really helps us to have as much information as possible, such as screenshots and details of what steps you have taken so far. Also, we track all emails and keep records of correspondence, so a phonecall will usually lead to a case being generated in our system anyway.
If you've got an urgent issue, please use the main support number - 024 7657 2800.
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