December 2019 - We are delighted to let you know about our inaugural MSL Big Day Out tour which will be hitting a location near you in the new year. These days are all FREE to attend. Each tour date will comprise learning and best practice sessions delivered by your students' union colleagues, opportunities to learn more about MSL's product plans, 'how do I...' sessions with the MSL gurus and ad hoc breakouts to cover hot topics that come up during the day.
We are delighted to have met so many of you so far on our inaugural MSL Big Day Out tour which started in Birmingham in January and visited Glasgow and London before we made the decision to postpone the remaining dates due to the Coronavirus situation.
The remaining dates in Bristol and Belfast will be re-scheduled in due course.
These events comprise learning and best practice sessions delivered by your students' union colleagues, opportunities to learn more about MSL's product plans, 'how do I...' sessions with the MSL gurus and breakouts to cover hot topics.
The Big Day Out is free to attend - we'd love to see you if you are can make either, or both, of the new dates for Bristol and Belfast once they are confirmed.
Look out for more information coming out in the coming weeks and if you'd like to register to attend one or more of these days (or deliver a session) please use the links above.
For a flavour of what these days will cover, here's the agenda from the recent Midlands Big Day Out:
10.00am Arrival & networking – teas/coffees
10.30am Welcome from Aston Students' Union plus introduction to the day from MSL Chief Exec Gary Bryant
10.45am Session 1 – Aston Students’ Union: “Supporting our clubs & societies with Student Group Finances”
11.15am Session 2 – Coventry Students’ Union: “Getting efficient with your course reps”
12.00pm Session 3 – Jo Walters of 25 Dots (ex-Sussex Students’ Union, SU comms & marketing specialist): “The perks and perils of 'doing digital' in students' unions.”
12.45pm Lunch
1.30pm MSL top tips and new features
2.15pm MSL Product development/breakout groups
3.00pm MSL Ask Us Anything!
3.20pm Summary & close
3.30pm Finish