Membership Solutions Ltd

Our Guide to Running the Best Welcome Week

Students celebrating welcome week

Welcome Week is the highlight of any university calendar. It’s a time filled with excitement, new faces, and the promise of unforgettable experiences. For University Students' Unions (SUs), this is the golden opportunity to make a lasting impression on new students. But what does it take to run a fantastic Welcome Week? Whether you're a seasoned SU member or planning your first event, our guide will walk you through everything you need to know. Plus, we’ll show you how our all-in-one student platform can elevate your events to the next level.

Follow along with our checklist and check off each section as you complete it!


In this guide, you’ll find:

Organising the best Welcome Week

Planning and Preparation

The foundation of a successful Welcome Week lies in meticulous planning and preparation. Setting clear goals, forming an effective committee, and managing the budget are critical steps that set the stage for the entire event.

1.        Setting Goals

First things first, let’s talk goals. What do you want Welcome Week to achieve? Maybe it's about helping new students feel at home, showcasing the best of what the campus has to offer, or simply making sure everyone has a good time. Clear objectives will help guide your planning process and ensure every event has a purpose.

2.        Forming a Committee

You can't do it alone, nor should you have to. Form a Welcome Week committee with a mix of SU members, student volunteers, and even some university staff. Diversity in your team will bring in a range of ideas and ensure you cover all bases. Regular meetings are essential, so set a schedule that works for everyone and stick to it.

3.        Budgeting

Money matters, and a well-planned budget is crucial. Start with the essentials: venue hire, equipment, promotional materials, and refreshments. Don’t forget to allocate funds for unexpected costs – they will pop up. And remember, your budget should be flexible enough to adapt as your plans evolve.

Creating a Diverse Event Schedule

A well-rounded event schedule is the heartbeat of Welcome Week, catering to the diverse interests and needs of the student body. By offering a variety of events, ensuring inclusion, and focusing on standout signature events, you can create an engaging and memorable experience for every student.

1.        Event Variety

A great Welcome Week offers something for everyone. Mix up social events like parties and mixers with academic sessions and recreational activities. Think welcome fairs, themed nights, sports tournaments, and interest-based clubs meet-and-greets. Variety ensures that every student, no matter their interests, finds something that excites them.

2.        Inclusion and Accessibility

Inclusion is key. Make sure your events cater to all students, including those with disabilities or from different cultural backgrounds. This might mean providing sign language interpreters, ensuring venues are wheelchair accessible, or offering alcohol-free social options. An inclusive Welcome Week sets the tone for a welcoming and supportive campus environment.

3.        Signature Events

Signature events are your showstoppers – the ones everyone will be talking about. These could be large-scale events like a Freshers Ball, outdoor cinema nights, or even a flash mob. Think big, think bold, and make sure these events are well-publicised to draw in the crowds.

Marketing and Promotion

Even the best-planned events need effective marketing to succeed. Digital and traditional marketing strategies, combined with creative engagement techniques, are essential to draw attention to your Weclome Week.

1.        Digital Marketing

Social media is your best friend in today’s digital age. Create engaging content on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and X (previously known as Twitter). Use stories, posts, and even live streams to build excitement. Email and SMS campaigns are also effective for reaching students directly. Use your university’s website to host a Welcome Week hub with all the details students need.

2.        Campus Presence

Don’t underestimate the power of traditional marketing. Posters, flyers, and banners around campus can catch the eye of students as they move between lectures and dorms. Word-of-mouth is also powerful – encourage your committee members and volunteers to spread the word.

3.        Engagement Strategies

Engaging students is more than just informing them about events; it’s about creating a buzz. Use our all-in-one student platform to send RSVP requests, event reminders, and personalised invites. Features like event polls and interactive schedules can help students feel more involved and excited about taking part.

Collaborating with University Departments

Partnerships within the university are crucial to delivering a well-rounded Welcome Week. By collaborating with academic departments, support services, and community partners, you can create a cohesive experience that goes beyond social events, helping students integrate into all aspects of university life.

1.        Academic Integration

Welcome Week isn’t just about fun – it’s also an important time for academic orientation. Collaborate with academic departments to include introductory sessions and faculty meet-and-greets. These events help students connect with their peers and professors, easing their transition into university life.

2.        Support Services

Involve campus support services such as counselling, health services, and career advisors. These departments can offer invaluable resources to new students, from mental health support to academic advice. Hosting information sessions or having representatives at key events ensures students know where to turn if they need help. Remember to also have a robust case management system in place so should students want to use your services they have a simple way to do so, in a way your team can easily facilitate and manage. 

3.        Community Partnerships

Partnerships with local businesses and organisations can add an extra layer of excitement to Welcome Week. Local cafes, restaurants, and stores might offer discounts or sponsorships. Community organisations can collaborate on events, offering students a taste of the local culture and opportunities to get involved beyond the campus.

Logistics and Safety

Behind every successful event is a solid logistical plan and a strong focus on safety. Ensuring that everything runs smoothly and safely is essential to the success of Welcome Week.

1.        Event Logistics

Planning an event is one thing; making sure it runs smoothly is another. Have a checklist for each event covering venue booking, transportation, equipment rental, and staffing. Confirm all bookings well in advance and have a backup plan for each aspect of your event.

2.        Health and Safety

Safety should always be a top priority. Develop comprehensive health and safety protocols, including crowd control measures, first aid availability, and clear emergency plans. Train your volunteers and committee members on these protocols to ensure everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency.

3.        Risk Management

Every event comes with risks, so it’s important to conduct a risk assessment for each one. Identify potential hazards and think about how to mitigate them. This might involve extra security for large events, clear signage for emergency exits, or having a wet weather plan for outdoor activities.

Utilising Technology

In today’s digital age, technology plays a vital role in streamlining event planning and execution. Leveraging an all-in-one student platform can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your Welcome Week.

1.        All-in-One Platform Features

Our all-in-one student platform can transform how you plan and execute Welcome Week. With features like event management, student engagement tools, data analytics and ecommerce it streamlines every aspect of the process. Create and manage events, track RSVPs, and communicate with students all from one place. MSL supports all of these processes, helping to boost student engagement across your organisaiton. 

2.        Data and Feedback

Collecting data and feedback is crucial for improving future events. Use the platform to send out surveys, track attendance, and gather insights on what worked and what didn’t. This data helps you refine your approach and make each Welcome Week and event better than the last.

Post-Event Follow-Up

The work doesn’t stop when Welcome Week ends. Post-event follow-up is key to learning from the experience and building on your successes. Collecting feedback, expressing gratitude, and focusing on continuous improvement are essential steps in ensuring that each year’s Welcome Week is better than the last.

1.        Feedback Collection

Once welcome Week is over, it’s time to gather feedback. Send out surveys to students, volunteers, and staff to get their thoughts on what went well and what could be improved. Honest feedback is invaluable for planning future events. Specialised tools for feedback or surveys make this super simple

2.        Thank You Messages

A little gratitude goes a long way. Send thank you messages to everyone who helped make welcome Week a success – from volunteers to sponsors to participants. Recognising their efforts fosters a positive relationship and encourages future involvement.

3.        Continuous Improvement

Use the feedback and data you’ve collected to plan for the future. Identify areas for improvement and start thinking about next year’s Welcome Week. Continuous improvement ensures that each event builds on the success of the previous one, creating a better experience for everyone involved.


The start of something special


Welcome Week is more than just a series of events; it’s the beginning of an incredible journey for new students. By setting clear goals, planning diverse and inclusive events, leveraging effective marketing strategies, and prioritising safety, your SU can create a Welcome Week that leaves a lasting impression.

Don't forget to download and follow along with our checklist to check off each section as you complete it!

Our all-in-one student platform is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring your events are organised, engaging, and memorable. Ready to take your Welcome Week to the next level? Learn more about our platform, request a demo, or get in touch with us today.


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