Nipissing University Student Union: a digital transformation to support staff and students

Nipissing University Student Union: a digital transformation to support staff and students

"We were immediately impressed by the functionality of MSL websites and how everything is set up to maximize student engagement and amplify their voices."

We would like to give very warm welcome from the MSL community to our friends at Nipissing University Student Union (NUSU)!

The Nipissing University Student Union (NUSU) is the official body representing the student point of view at Nipissing. Each and every student, both full-time and part-time, belong to the Nipissing University Student Union. The SU has a variety of clubs and activities, all of which are run by the students! The various club categories include academics, recreation, volunteering, current social topics, and religion. We are so excited to be working with NUSU on their digital student engagement journey, and helping them to support their students in the all important stages of their university experience.

We were immediately impressed by the functionality of MSL websites and how everything is set up to maximize student engagement and amplify their voices. Being able to have conversations with a company that understands student unions is so important and helps improve the vision and capability of the website.”- Nipissing University Student Union



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