Running a sports club or society is about more than just organising events—it’s about building a strong, connected community where members feel they belong. Engaging your current members while attracting new ones can be challenging, especially when you're trying to build a sense of community and boost event turnout with limited feedback. However, with a few key strategies, you can turn your club into a place everyone wants to be part of.
Here are 5 tips to help boost engagement...
Read more to find out how to streamline your volunteering processes and tailor opportunities for your members.
Join us as we explore how the MSL platform can take your campus event planning to the next level.
Empowering Student Engagement With Robust Cybersecurity Measures
Boo! 🎃 Here is your Autumn news round up, it's all about events and top tips...
Learn how to streamline your admin processes and improve student engagement strategies in our latest blog.
Join us as we discuss the importance of building a strong student community and how the MSL platform can help. Read our blog.
With our growing community of Canadian students' union, associations and councils, the MSL team has jumped at the chance to join the AMICCUS-C conference in Whistler, BC!
We spoke with Hannah, the communications and marketing manager at UCLan SU to find out what the future holds for the SU - along with some Top Tips to better support each and every student.
May 2021 - We're delighted to announce that the MSL Big Day Out has a new online venue - just for 2021, we promise - and we'd love to see you there. Taking place over the week 7-11 June, check out details of speakers, dates, timings and register to attend today!
October 2020 - Cambridge Students’ Union has implemented the core MSL System together with online Elections and Referenda and Student Group Finances to provide a range of digital engagement services to members. The newly merged under- and post-graduate organisations will offer access to clubs and societies resources, ticketing, feedback and online community tools and online voting through its new website
From our SU22 session - we looked at making it easy for your new members to engage with your organisation, great employability features in the MSL System, running fantastic events, elections and advice services plus student group features.
Check out our top tips highlighting fantastic features built into your Volunteering & Employability module you might want to implement! Some time-honoured favourites, some brand new, all designed to encourage engagement with your volunteering scheme.
MSL is pleased to announce a new partnership with native to bring more options for events technology to students’ organisations using the MSL System. A free, optional plug-in for MSL clients provides a range of new features such as digital wristbands, ticket scanning and features to build a following. Used either in conjunction with MSL’s popular events tools or as the sole events platform, the native partnership gives MSL clients more choice and flexibility to promote and deliver great even
With your Welcome and Orientation Weeks just around the corner, whatever it might look like this year, we've created some top tips to help you prepare.
Ahead of your upcoming elections, here are some of our tips to help you prepare for this exciting time of year, making the setup and running of your election through your MSL System as easy as possible!
September 2021 - MSL's Chief Executive, Gary Bryant, relishes seeing the return of in-person Freshers Fayres and Welcome Weeks for our UK clients after what has been a tough year for the student experience.
With Welcome Week just around the corner, to accompany our "Getting ready for Welcome Week" online training sessions taking place w/c 16th August, we've created some top tips to help you prepare.
It's less than a month until results day and only a matter of weeks before we're in the middle of your welcome week preparations. MSL is on hand to provide guidance and support with any queries you might have; here are some of our top tips to help you prepare for your events.
We were proud to sponsor SU21 Digital - the digital learning event for Students’ Union staff and officers. You can watch back our session with UCLan Students' Union: Review, Reimagine and Revamp the student experience....
Ahead of a hopeful return to more normal campus life, here are six ways you could improve your purchase process for your members - for both face-to-face and online sales to make buying from you a little easier.
May 2021 - The MSL Big Day Out brought together awesome speakers, shared ideas and inspiring discussions all about student engagement and the student experience in this ever-changing environment.
Sending our best wishes to the fabulous MSL Community...
BLOG: Tis the season to be jolly and we know how hard our MSL community is working to get students and staff into the festive spirit, even as students start to head for home. We’re especially delighted to see Christmas Fairs going ahead giving a welcome opportunity for talented students to sell their products over the festive period and beyond. Read how our creative clients are using resources in their MSL System to build attractive and engaging fairs...
Autumn 2020 release round-up: Our hard working development team was especially busy over the summer so we are pleased to bring you details of some of the newer features and improvements released over the last few months which you may have missed. Many of our developments are driven by the MSL community and so we're always excited to release new features that have been requested by our clients and their teams.
Sept 2020 - MSL has recently completed an accessibility review with AbilityNet to ensure our website design components help clients to create accessible websites for all their users. Read about the review process, the insights we gained and how we're using the findings to inform our product roadmap.
August 2020 - The MSL 2020: You've Got This! series of briefings, training, knowledge exchange and community events has been shaped by the MSL community. We were delighted to welcome colleagues from the wider SU community to join in the discussion with three fantastic guest speakers in August. Digital transformation, student societies and representation at this time of unprecedented challenges and uncertainty were all on the agenda and each session is now available to view.
March 2020 - In light of the developing health crisis, we would like to share some important information with you. Our focus remains on “business as usual” and providing an uninterrupted service to you, our valued customers, whilst remaining diligent and responsive to government recommendations and guidance to protect the health and well-being of the MSL team.
We're sorry to advise that MSL will no longer be attending the Secret Life of Students, WONKHE’s annual student experience. However, the conference sessions will still be going ahead with live streaming available and we are sure the WONKHE team will deliver fantastic content with great speakers at this difficult time. We look forward to working with WONKHE at future events.
12th February 2020 - If you've been to one of the MSL Big Days Out (Birmingham and Glasgow so far...) you'll have already seen our fabulous new animation up on the big screen, telling all you need to know about what it is we do here at MSL Towers. Not seen it yet? Here's your chance.....
November 2019 - We are very excited to bring you news of the MSL Big Day Out which will see us touring the UK and Ireland from January to April, bringing the MSL community together in regional user groups. We are in the planning stages now but more details of dates and locations are in this edition of the newsletter.
Instant access to everything at any time – that’s the mantra your users live by. Whether it’s travel information, fast food, gig tickets, or current affairs, they expect quick, seamless experiences across the board. Your website is no exception. It’s a hub of information, events, and opportunities that many rely on to support their daily and social lives. So, why shouldn’t they expect the same speed and usability from your site as they get from ASOS or Amazon?
23rd October 2019 - MSL was delighted to see so many of our Australian clients and new contacts recently on a whistle-stop tour of Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane. Here we share a few images of the great campuses we visited.
9th October 2019 - Everyone is getting into the swing of the new year and we guess all those shy freshers have thrown away their inhibitions and are queuing up for every event and club night going. To help you manage the logistics of large numbers of 18 to 25 year olds turning up en masse to your venues, we’ve made a change to MSL Door Entry & Venues which reduces the time it takes to redeem tickets on the door.
1st October 2019 - A new academic year invariably means new staff members, new roles, new tasks and lots of things that need to be done right now to support your members as they settle into the new academic year. This post looks at development work we've done to help simplify the process of assigning permissions and get your team working as quickly as possible.
6th September 2019 - We’re sure you appreciate the role data plays within the MSL System; you work with data every day and it drives every decision made in your organisation. But just in case you were in any doubt, data also underpins everything that the MSL System does for you. Read about one of the most important projects in MSL's history and the benefits it will bring...
11th June 2019 - It is with great pleasure that MSL announces the appointment of Gary Bryant as our new Chief Executive.
December 2018 - We’ve been spending some time thinking about MSL's brand and identity: what does it mean to you, our MSL community; how do prospective users of the MSL System view the MSL 'brand'; and how do we demonstrate our commitment to providing easy-to-use products that support an inclusive, diverse, accessible and engaging member experience? It's an evolving process - but we've made a start with a new logo, corporate style and, coming soon, a new website.
24th August 2018 - Still got loads to do for Freshers' Week? Need some tips and advice? Look no further than our Freshers' Top Tips infographic. Your very own cut out and keep 10 step plan.
The University of Dundee and Dundee University Students’ Association (DUSA) have selected Membership Solutions Ltd’s online elections system to support their staff and Students’ Association elections. The new digital solution will ensure all staff and students at the university can stay informed about and take part in key elections.
16th March 2018 - This update links to the ICO's comprehensive information on the six available lawful bases for processing data (legal reason and legitimate interest being particularly relevant).
October 2017 - Keep up-to-date with MSL's news and updates on GDPR, helping you to stay informed and assist with your preparation for GDPR compliance.
April 2017 - "The integration, professionalism and advice from the MSL team has been outstanding and we’re looking forward to providing a great experience for our students.” Jon May, Communications Manager, University of Westminster Students’ Union
16th February 2017 - Looking for some fresh ideas to promote your MSL App? Still considering the benefits (there are so many!) of giving your students an App full of engagement opportunities? The MSL Top 10 countdown of promotional ideas for your MSL App will help you reach more of your members on the move.
13th January 2017 - The Australian National University Students’ Association and the Postgraduate and Research Students' Association have selected the MSL System to support their growing digital membership management requirements. The new system will provide new websites, clubs and societies tools, messaging, e-commerce and community resources for both associations as well as a shared online elections platform.
November 2016 - It's never too early to be prepared.... Our winter missive has lots to help you prepare including details of December's Refreshers web briefing and January's Elections training, featuring not one, but two ways to get your team up-to-speed on all things voting related. We also want you to share your knowledge and expertise via the hardware forum on MyMSL and we'd like to welcome UEA Students' Union who are already doing amazing things with their new MSL System.
Sept 2016 - "Looking towards the future, we are excited to see how we can leverage MSL to enhance our engagement with the student body, not only for elections but throughout the entire year.” Benjamin Gill, President, ANU Students’ Association
September 2016 - OK, so we know summer is officially over but the promise of a mini-heatwave this week means we're clinging onto the flip-flops and shorts for as long as possible. We've had so much good stuff to share with you over the summer months, we're pleased to bring you a final round-up of our news and want to ask you to share some of your successes from the last year.
Still got loads to do for Freshers' Week? Need some tips and advice? Look no further than our Freshers' Top Tips infographic. Your very own cut out and keep 10 step plan.
August 2016 - Summer may mean holidays to anyone who doesn't work in students' unions but to the MSL team and all of you out there getting ready for the new term and Freshers, we know the summer months are a time to put new ideas in place, refresh websites and get excited about bigger and better participation projects.
December 2015 - The end of Autumn term has crept up on us and we're looking forward to finishing off all those last minute jobs so we can enjoy the forthcoming festivities. With that in mind, we bring you our final round-up of news and events for 2015 along with our best wishes for an enjoyable festive break.
October 2015 - Wishing everyone a successful Freshers' Week! We know Freshers' is keeping everyone busy but we also know how keen you are to stay up to date with our news and developments so we've squeezed in this short but sweet late summer newsletter for you to enjoy before the new year starts.
June 2015 - As promised, we're pleased to present the second edition of our Summer 2015 newsletter....
June 2015 - We're pleased to bring you the first installment of our early Summer 2015 newsletter; look out for the next one in a couple of weeks when we have even more news to bring you.
3rd June 1015 - MSL has been chosen to provide the elections platform for Central Students’ Union (Central SU) which represents students at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, part of the University of London.
This article explains how to run your election in line with this guidance using your MSL system