Student Feedback

Honest, Direct, Real Time Student Feedback

Empowering The Student Voice

Gathering, analysing, and acting on student feedback is vital for improving the student experience. While student surveys are useful, overusing them can lead to lower engagement and survey fatigue. Each missed feedback opportunity is a lost opportunity to engage with students and enhance the student experience. So what can you do?

MSL's Feedback Module offers a solution.

The MSL Student Feedback Module streamlines student feedback submission and resolution. It opens communication channels, allowing students to share concerns, compliments, questions, and suggestions promptly without waiting for surveys.

It helps to close the feedback loop by letting students and staff see open feedback, actions taken, and resolutions. This ensures that both parties are informed about necessary steps and reinforces that student voices are valued.

Talk to us about Feedback

The Benefits of Good Student Feedback Software

MSL's Student Feedback Module offers a modern, intuitive interface that enhances usability and user experience. Students can privately submit concerns, compliments, questions, or suggestions about their experience at their convenience.
Students can:

  • Select the facility area to which their feedback is relevant
  • Leave feedback directly with their course rep*. (Accessible via a new widget)
  • Add tags to group their thoughts - useful for multiple pieces of feedback
  • View open and resolved feedback
  • Communicate with staff regarding their feedback within the module

For student organisations, the MSL Student Feedback Module provides essential tools for efficiently gathering, managing, and acting on feedback.

features include:

  • A simple, modern dashboard for a clear overview of feedback.
  • A central location to collect and manage feedback.
  • Options to set areas of interest and feedback types.
  • Quick filtering between interests and statuses.
  • Feedback action assignment for efficiency.
  • Date and time-stamped updates for tracking actions.
  • Communication with submitters and stakeholders, with email notifications.

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An example of two MSL Student Feedback Module cards. One has been modified to better reflect the branding

The Right Look & Feel

The admin area of the MSL Student Feedback Module is designed to be both modern and simple, offering an intuitive experience for managing feedback. Each piece of feedback is represented by a card that displays the feedback content, its assignment status, the type of feedback, and the specific area or course it pertains to. This clear, visual layout helps you efficiently track and manage feedback.

Student Feedback Submission:

The feedback submission area provides several design options to fit your needs. You can choose to have it appear as a separate microsite for a unique and distinct experience, or you can design it to align with the look and functionality of your main student website.

Submission Methods:

You can link to the feedback submission page through various channels, such as a button on your website, in an email, via a QR code, or through other materials, making it easy for students to access and submit their feedback.

With these flexible options, you can create a feedback experience that best suits your institution's needs while maintaining a user-friendly and effective feedback management system.

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An illustration of a person putting the final piece of a puzzle in place. Symbolising the ease of integration with wider MSL modules

A Seamless Integration

The MSL Student Feedback Module seamlessly integrates with your current MSL System®, allowing for faster implementation and simplifying feedback management and tracking. By keeping all your data securely in one place, you'll not only boost your efficiency but ensure data security.

Not an MSL customer? No problem. MSL's Student Feedback Module can also be used as a standalone solution, providing the same streamlined feedback management for any student organisation.

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A Price for all , not some

We want to empower the voice of all students, so unlike other providers, we don't believe in added costs to provide more of your student cohorts the ability to provide feedback.

That’s why the MSL Student Feedback Module is priced inclusively. This means you’ll pay to have access and use of the Feedback module but are then free to engage with as many or as few of your students and stakeholders as you want; without worrying about scaling fees. 

Talk to us about Feedback

An illustration of a student sitting on some steps using the MSL Feedback Module

The Student Feedback Solution You need

Real, Direct & Honest Feedback

The MSL Student Feedback Module empowers students to voice their opinions freely, giving feedback whenever they want without being limited by predefined questions and answers. This helps you stay attuned to student opinions and improve their overall experience.

Improve Your Efficiency

Centralise all your feedback in one place to streamline operations. Quickly assign, update, and communicate through a single platform to boost efficiency and free up time for other critical tasks.

Close the Feedback Loop

Feedback is only valuable if students know it matters. The MSL Student Feedback Module lets students see their submitted feedback, track acknowledgment, and  be updated with resulting actions. Ensuring the know their voices are heard and valued.


Ready to elevate
the student voice?

Student feedback is crucial for providing the best possible experience. The MSL Student Feedback Module offers a streamlined process for submission and resolution, opening lines of communication and empowering your institution to manage and address feedback effectively, increasing overall student satisfaction.

Get in contact today!


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